My journey at DYT, formerly Dockwise Yacht Transport started in 2007 as a Sales Manager. Originally from Jacksonville Florida, I moved to Ft Lauderdale in 2005 and shortly after met my husband. He was the one who introduced me to a company and concept I had never imagined, Dockwise Yacht Transport and moving yachts around the globe. I was so intrigued! Persistence paid off and after a year and half, I started with the company. During my time at DYT, there have been many changes: I witnessed the first ever purpose built yacht carrier being delivered; I got married; welcomed our son and then welcomed our daughter; saw new ownership bring new perspective to an old idea and lastly, be a part of the concept and design of the 2nd ever purpose built yacht carrier. My job is so fulfilling in that every day I get to work side by side with the best colleagues, friends and clients one could ask for. The relationships that have been built over these years are truly a testament to what a great place and team DYT is.